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Palette Home: 3D online planner for bathrooms and homes

Palette Home: ac­cu­ra­te room de­sign wi­th la­ser me­a­su­re­ment

The on­line de­si­gner for bath­rooms and li­ving are­as is very ea­sy to em­bed in your web­site as an in­ter­ac­ti­ve con­fi­gu­ra­tor which your cli­ents can ac­cess wi­th a sin­gle click. This in­no­va­ti­ve soft­ware al­lows your po­ten­ti­al cli­ents to put their ide­as down on “di­gi­tal pa­per” at home and in their own time, wi­t­hout pay­ing a pen­ny. And to make su­re your de­signs are ac­cu­ra­te from the very start, the Palette Home app fea­tures our la­ser me­a­su­re­ment func­tion­a­li­ty, which is the ea­sy and abo­ve all re­lia­ble way to trans­fer da­ta from the la­ser ran­ge fin­der straight to the Palette Home app. The draft de­signs, plus the all-im­portant cont­act de­tails and an item list, can then be sent by email. It’s ea­sy to im­port the da­ta in­to the full ver­si­on of Palette CAD, and the­se in­iti­al ide­as form the ba­sis for your first con­sul­ta­ti­on wi­th the cli­ent. So Palette Home al­lows you to get on board wi­th your cli­ents’ pro­jects much mo­re quick­ly, re­du­cing your workload and ma­king clear to them that you’re an ex­pert working wi­th ex­pert soft­ware.

Transparent Hintergrund Palette CAD
Hintergrundbild Bunt Palette CAD
Raumplaner Screenshot Palette CAD

The 3D on­line de­si­gner: for all kinds of rooms

Palette Home is an ea­sy-to-use on­line de­si­gner that’s per­fect for ma­king quick, in­iti­al drafts, even for beg­in­ners wi­th no pre­vious ex­pe­ri­ence. When vi­si­ting your web­site, your cli­ents can fol­low a step-by-step gui­de to de­sig­ning a bath­room or li­ving area. On­ce the room di­men­si­ons have be­en set and win­dows, doors and in­te­ri­or walls have be­en po­si­tio­ned, the rooms can then be fur­nis­hed exact­ly how they want them using the wi­de and prac­ti­cal ran­ge of items and sur­faces for walls and flo­ors.

Sa­ni­ta­ry equip­ment, fur­ni­tu­re, sto­ves and fire­places can be drag­ged & drop­ped in­to the room wi­th the in­tui­ti­ve soft­ware, and then your cli­ent can ex­plo­re the room in an ani­ma­ted, pho­to-rea­li­stic 3D vi­sua­liza­ti­on. Next, they can de­sign the wall and flo­or co­ve­rings they want. Which ti­les su­it the room? How does the room look wi­th par­quet or a car­pet? Will they go for bold co­lours or a clas­si­cal­ly simp­le de­sign?

This is when your ex­per­ti­se is nee­ded – so it’s good that you’re just a few clicks away and thanks to Palette Home can see what they’ve co­me up wi­th to of­fer your pro­fes­sio­nal opi­ni­on .

Try out the free tri­al ver­si­on of Palette Home now: the app is available in the App Store or the Goog­le Play Store. It ap­pli­es the End User Li­cen­se Agree­ment.

Start de­sig­ning now wi­th Palette Home in your brow­ser

Palette Home is ea­sy and in­tui­ti­ve to use, whe­ther as an app on a mo­bi­le de­vice or in an on­line brow­ser. Sim­ply sel­ect which room you’d li­ke to de­sign. Crea­ti­vi­ty knows no bounds. De­sign the room of your or your cli­ent’s dreams in a mat­ter of mi­nu­tes and ex­plo­re it in 3D.
Get star­ted now!

Home Bad Logo Palette CAD Palette Showroom
Home Wohnen Logo Palette CAD.
Home Ofen Logo Palette CAD -Palette Showroom

De­sign bath­rooms on­line

De­sign rooms on­line

De­sign sto­ves and fire­places

Peo­p­le loo­king for a new bath­room can crea­te a bath­room plan­ning on your web­site using a wi­de ran­ge of baths, show­ers, wa­sh­ba­sins and toi­lets. Your po­ten­ti­al cli­ent sket­ches their dream bath­room, which you’ll then de­sign and build for them using your pro­fes­sio­nal ex­per­ti­se.

Cli­ents can use drag & drop to po­si­ti­on and mo­ve shel­ves, ca­bi­nets, di­ning ta­bles, so­fas and much mo­re in their fu­ture li­ving room, so that you know what they have in mind.

Palette Home helps your cli­ents vi­sua­li­se what kinds of sto­ve or fire­place they want to crea­te. They can try out va­rious mo­dels from the la­test ma­nu­fac­tu­rer ca­ta­lo­gues and see how they look in the con­text of the room, al­lo­wing you to un­der­stand what they’re loo­king for and of­fer your re­com­men­da­ti­ons.

Home Bad Logo Palette CAD Palette Showroom

De­sign bath­rooms on­line

Peo­p­le loo­king for a new bath­room can crea­te a bath­room plan­ning on your web­site using a wi­de ran­ge of baths, show­ers, wa­sh­ba­sins and toi­lets. Your po­ten­ti­al cli­ent sket­ches their dream bath­room, which you’ll then de­sign and build for them using your pro­fes­sio­nal ex­per­ti­se.

Home Wohnen Logo Palette CAD.

De­sign rooms on­line

Cli­ents can use drag & drop to po­si­ti­on and mo­ve shel­ves, ca­bi­nets, di­ning ta­bles, so­fas and much mo­re in their fu­ture li­ving room, so that you know what they have in mind.

Home Ofen Logo Palette CAD -Palette Showroom

De­sign sto­ves and fire­places

Palette Home helps your cli­ents vi­sua­li­se what kinds of sto­ve or fire­place they want to crea­te. They can try out va­rious mo­dels from the la­test ma­nu­fac­tu­rer ca­ta­lo­gues and see how they look in the con­text of the room, al­lo­wing you to un­der­stand what they’re loo­king for and of­fer your re­com­men­da­ti­ons.

Add Palette Home to your web­site now

Palette Home Pro al­lows you to em­bed the on­line de­si­gner in­to your web­site so that your cli­ents can vi­sua­li­ze their dream de­signs. 
Re­quest a quo­te for Palette Home Pro now and talk to our ex­perts.


deko bild palette cad

3D la­ser tech­no­lo­gy: per­fect for quick and re­lia­ble room me­a­su­re­ments

Our la­ser me­a­su­re­ment fea­ture is a prac­ti­cal ad­di­ti­on to the pro­ven Palette Home room de­sign app. The di­men­si­ons and an­gles are trans­fer­red via Blue­tooth to the 3D pro­ject, so you can im­me­dia­te­ly check whe­ther the me­a­su­re­ments match up. And it re­al­ly pays off when pit­ched ro­ofs and rooms wi­th awk­ward an­gles co­me in­to play.

1. On the ta­blet, click on what you want to me­a­su­re

2. Use the hand-held la­ser to me­a­su­re the di­men­si­ons, di­stances or an­gles and au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly ap­p­ly them

3. Sa­ve the me­a­su­re­ments you’ve ta­ken in the Palette Cloud and send them to the Palette CAD soft­ware or the Palette Home app

We sup­port the fol­lo­wing la­ser me­a­su­re­ment de­vices:

• Sta­bi­la LD 520
• Sta­bi­la LD 250 BT
• Lei­ca Dis­to D1
• Lei­ca Dis­to D110
• Lei­ca Dis­to D2
• Bosch PLR30C/ PLR40C/ PLR50C
• Bosch GLM 50C Pro­fes­sio­nal
• Bosch GLM 120C Pro­fes­sio­nal
• Hil­ti PD-I

Transparent Hintergrundbild Palette CAD
Laseraufmass mit Palette CAD
Transparent Hintergrundbild Palette CAD
Laseraufmass mit Palette CAD

3D la­ser tech­no­lo­gy: per­fect for quick and re­lia­ble room me­a­su­re­ments

Our la­ser me­a­su­re­ment fea­ture is a prac­ti­cal ad­di­ti­on to the pro­ven Palette Home room de­sign app. The di­men­si­ons and an­gles are trans­fer­red via Blue­tooth to the 3D pro­ject, so you can im­me­dia­te­ly check whe­ther the me­a­su­re­ments match up. And it re­al­ly pays off when pit­ched ro­ofs and rooms wi­th awk­ward an­gles co­me in­to play.

1. On the ta­blet, click on what you want to me­a­su­re

2. Use the hand-held la­ser to me­a­su­re the di­men­si­ons, di­stances or an­gles and au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly ap­p­ly them

3. Sa­ve the me­a­su­re­ments you’ve ta­ken in the Palette Cloud and send them to the Palette CAD soft­ware or the Palette Home app

We sup­port the fol­lo­wing la­ser me­a­su­re­ment de­vices:

• Sta­bi­la LD 520
• Sta­bi­la LD 250 BT
• Lei­ca Dis­to D1
• Lei­ca Dis­to D110
• Lei­ca Dis­to D2
• Bosch PLR30C/ PLR40C/ PLR50C
• Bosch GLM 50C Pro­fes­sio­nal
• Bosch GLM 120C Pro­fes­sio­nal
• Hil­ti PD-I


Did you down­load the Palette Home app and do you have ques­ti­ons re­gar­ding the app or your sce­nes? Or have you purcha­sed one of the sub­scrip­ti­ons and are un­su­re about how to ac­cess or use the purcha­sed fea­tures?
This is exact­ly why we have put tog­e­ther the fol­lo­wing in­for­ma­ti­on, which may ans­wer your ques­ti­ons.
And if not, we look for­ward to hel­ping you per­so­nal­ly.

To sa­ve your de­signs, click on the disk icon in the plan­ning win­dow at the bot­tom right of the screen. In the sa­ve me­nu pro­vi­de the file wi­th a na­me fi­nal­ly sa­ve it wi­th the but­ton "Sa­ve As".

It is curr­ent­ly not pos­si­ble to print de­signs in Palette Home from mo­bi­le de­vices.

Prin­ting in the web / brow­ser ver­si­on is on­ly ac­ti­va­ted in paid ver­si­ons.

You can in­crease the num­ber of sa­ve slots in the An­droid and iOS app. De­pen­ding on which sub­scrip­ti­on you choo­se, you can un­lock 15 or 50 sa­ve slots. The­re is al­so a sub­scrip­ti­on to purcha­se sto­rage space and ac­cess to our Palette Cloud. Your de­signs are stored se­cu­re­ly in our Cloud and can be ac­ces­sed across dif­fe­rent mo­bi­le de­vices and across ope­ra­ting sys­tems.


Wi­th the brow­ser ver­si­on, the brow­ser ma­na­ges the sa­ved files its­elf. Your files can be de­le­ted, if the brow­ser cle­ans up old files or you ma­nu­al­ly clear the brow­ser cache. If you have ac­ti­va­ted in­creased se­cu­ri­ty set­tings in the brow­ser, which cau­se the brow­ser to clear the cache when you exit the pro­gram, it is pos­si­ble that your sa­ve files will be de­le­ted.

We al­so pro­vi­de Palette Home as a free app on the Goog­le Play and iOS App stores. Wi­th the­se ver­si­ons, your files are ma­na­ged by the app and are on­ly lost if the app is un­in­stal­led, or the app is re­set to the de­fault fac­to­ry set­tings.

You can al­so purcha­se ac­cess to our Palette Cloud wi­thin the apps via an in-app sub­scrip­ti­on. The sa­ved files can then be stored safe­ly in the cloud and ac­ces­sed across dif­fe­rent de­vices and plat­forms.

Wi­th the brow­ser ver­si­on, you should al­so make su­re that you are using the sa­me brow­ser and the sa­me pro­fi­le. Be­cau­se every brow­ser on­ly “sees” the files that have be­en crea­ted wi­th this brow­ser and wi­th the re­spec­ti­ve pro­fi­le.

This can have ma­ny dif­fe­rent re­asons:

On the one hand, it is pos­si­ble that the brow­ser is no lon­ger re­cei­ving en­ough me­mo­ry from the ope­ra­ting sys­tem. This can hap­pen if you have ma­ny brow­ser tabs ope­ned at the sa­me time, espe­ci­al­ly ma­ny tabs wi­th the web plan­ner. Falls Sie vie­le Tabs of­fen ha­ben, dann schlie­ßen Sie ei­ni­ge da­von.

On the other hand, lo­cal­ly cached files may be cor­rupt­ed or out of date.
The brow­ser cache is a kind of in­ter­me­dia­te sto­rage for In­ter­net pa­ges. When you vi­sit a web­site, parts of the web­site (e.g., images, CSS, or Ja­va­Script files) are sa­ved on the user's hard dri­ve.
If you co­me back to the sa­me web­site la­ter, you no lon­ger have to down­load all the parts of the pa­ge again. In­s­tead, the brow­ser can ac­cess the files in the cache and dis­play the pa­ge fas­ter.

To fix this er­ror, try forceful­ly rel­oa­ding the pa­ge. For ex­am­p­le, wi­th ctrl + F5.
If that does not help, you will have to clear the brow­ser cache. The down­si­de to this, is that any exis­ting sa­ve files will al­so be de­le­ted.
You can clear the cache, as fol­lows

Mi­cro­soft Edge:

  • Press the Ctrl + Shift + De­le­te keys
  • Make su­re the check­box Cached images and files is sel­ec­ted and then click the but­ton Clear now.


  • Click on the ... sym­bol in the up­per right cor­ner
  • Sel­ect Set­tings
  • Sel­ect Pri­va­cy, search and ser­vices and then lo­ca­te Clear brow­sing da­ta. Click the but­ton Choo­se what to clear
  • Sel­ect an ap­pro­pria­te time ran­ge and make su­re the check­box Cached images and files is che­cked.
  • Then click the but­ton Clear now

Goog­le Chro­me:

  • Press the Ctrl + Shift + De­le­te keys
  • Sel­ect an ap­pro­pria­te time ran­ge from the cor­re­spon­ding drop-down but­ton.
  • Ac­ti­va­te the check­box Cached images and files and sel­ect the but­ton Clear da­ta.


  • Click on the me­nu sym­bol next to the ad­dress bar (th­ree ho­ri­zon­tal bars)
  • Sel­ect Mo­re tools
  • Then cho­se Clear brow­sing da­ta...
  • Sel­ect an ap­pro­pria­te time ran­ge and make su­re the check­box Cached images and files is ac­ti­va­ted.
  • Click on the but­ton Clear da­ta

Mo­zil­la Fire­fox:

  • Press the Ctrl + Shift + De­le­te keys
  • In the pop-up win­dow sel­ect Cache and then click on OK.


  • Click on the me­nu sym­bol next to the ad­dress bar (th­ree ho­ri­zon­tal bars)
  • Sel­ect Op­ti­ons and then Pri­va­cy & Se­cu­ri­ty and then scroll to Coo­kies and Site Da­ta
  • Click on Clear Da­ta and make su­re the check­box Cached Web Con­tent is sel­ec­ted.
  • Click the but­ton Clear

Ap­ple Sa­fa­ri:

  • Press the Cmd + Alt + E


  • In the Sa­fa­ri me­nu, click Clear Histo­ry ...
  • Sel­ect an ap­pro­pria­te time ran­ge
  • Now sel­ect Clear Histo­ry

The la­ser me­a­su­re­ment func­tion is on­ly available on the An­droid and iOS plat­forms. It must al­so be purcha­sed via an in-app sub­scrip­ti­on.

  • Is the de­vice on our list of sup­port­ed de­vices? If not, we can­not gua­ran­tee that the de­vice is com­pa­ti­ble wi­th our app.
  • Make su­re that Blue­tooth is ac­ti­va­ted in the set­tings of the ope­ra­ting sys­tem. If you need to ac­ti­va­te Blue­tooth via the ope­ra­ting sys­tem, then clo­se and re­start the app.
  • Make su­re that you have al­so bought the re­le­vant sub­scrip­ti­on and that it is ac­ti­ve. If the sub­scrip­ti­on is no lon­ger ac­ti­ve, then the fea­tures ac­ti­va­ted via sub­scrip­ti­on will no lon­ger work eit­her.
  • Check that Blue­tooth is al­so ac­ti­va­ted on the la­ser me­a­su­re­ment de­vice and that the de­vice is al­so swit­ched on.
  • Make su­re that the la­ser me­a­su­ring de­vice is not pai­red wi­th an­o­ther app or wi­th an­o­ther end de­vice. So­me la­ser me­a­su­ring de­vices can on­ly be pai­red wi­th one end de­vice at a time.
  • Does the app have per­mis­si­on to use Blue­tooth? If not, you can find the per­mis­si­on set­tings he­re:

    An­droid: If the app does not have aut­ho­riza­ti­on for Blue­tooth / lo­ca­ti­on, long press the app icon then sel­ect "App in­foApp per­mis­si­ons"

    iOS: If the app does not have aut­ho­riza­ti­on for Blue­tooth, go in­to the iOS set­tings, scroll down to the Palette Home app and sel­ect Blue­tooth"

1. Do you have a va­lid sub­scrip­ti­on?

An­droid: You can find out whe­ther you have the sub­scrip­ti­on in the Play Store app:  “Play Store - My Pro­fi­le - Pay­ments and Sub­scrip­ti­ons”. Af­ter re­instal­ling the app, the sub­scrip­ti­on, if available, should be ac­ti­va­ted im­me­dia­te­ly af­ter laun­ching the app.

iOS: You can find out whe­ther you have the sub­scrip­ti­on in the iOS set­tings:  “Set­tings - My Ap­ple ID - Sub­scrip­ti­ons”. Af­ter re­instal­ling the app, the purcha­se may not be ac­ti­va­ted im­me­dia­te­ly. Wi­thin the app you will find a "Res­to­re purcha­ses" but­ton in the screen for the in-app purcha­ses.

2. Has the sub­scrip­ti­on be­en ac­ti­va­ted in the app?

You can tell whe­ther the sub­scrip­ti­on has be­en ac­ti­va­ted in the app, for ex­am­p­le, by che­cking whe­ther a tu­to­ri­al/help sec­tion is dis­play­ed in the screen for the in-app purcha­ses. This help sec­tion is on­ly dis­play­ed if you have a va­lid in-app sub­scrip­ti­on.

3. The sub­scrip­ti­on is still not ac­ti­va­ted cor­rect­ly?

Plea­se check whe­ther you are log­ged in­to the cor­rect ac­count in the re­spec­ti­ve store (Play Store, App Store).

iOS: You can al­so ve­ri­fy if you have the sub­scrip­ti­on in the iOS set­tings:  “Set­tings - My Ap­ple ID - Me­dia & Purcha­ses - View Ac­count - Sub­s­rip­ti­ons”

You can can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on at any time:

An­droid: „Goog­le Play Store - My Pro­fi­le set­tings - Pay­ments and sub­scrip­ti­ons - Sub­scrip­ti­ons“

iOS: „Set­tings - My Ap­ple ID - Sub­s­rip­ti­ons“

The sub­scrip­ti­on should work on a ma­xi­mum of 10 de­vices wi­th the sa­me Ap­ple ID.

On iOS, it is pos­si­ble to use a se­pa­ra­te Ap­ple ID for each Ap­ple ser­vice (iCloud, App Store, etc.).

Af­ter log­ging in to a dif­fe­rent Ap­ple ID, the re­fe­rence to the in-app sub­scrip­ti­on in the App Store may be de­le­ted. Plea­se ve­ri­fy that the ID wi­th which the sub­scrip­ti­on was purcha­sed is the one you use to log in on the de­vice and in the App Store.

You can ve­ri­fy this on the start pa­ge of the app store, in your app store pro­fi­le set­tings.

Al­so you can check if you have the sub­scrip­ti­on in the iOS set­tings: “Set­tings - My Ap­ple ID - Me­dia & Purcha­ses - View Ac­count - Sub­s­rip­ti­ons”

An­droid:  Un­fort­u­na­te­ly, this is curr­ent­ly not pos­si­ble on An­droid.

iOS: „Set­tings - My Ap­ple ID - Sub­s­rip­ti­ons“ and then sel­ect a dif­fe­rent sub­scrip­ti­on.

The­re is a help func­tion in most of the screens. When you click on Help (the but­ton wi­th the ques­ti­on mark), a win­dow ap­pears that ex­plains the re­le­vant func­tions.

You can find a paid vi­deo tu­to­ri­al se­ries he­re:­let­te-aca­de­­let­te-home/

Ho­we­ver, at the mo­ment the vi­de­os are on­ly in Ger­man.

Down­loa­ding or syn­chro­ni­zing sce­nes is on­ly pos­si­ble via the Palette Cloud. Ac­cess to the Palette Cloud can be purcha­sed via „Busi­ness sub­scrip­ti­on” packa­ge.

To do ac­cess the Palette Cloud af­ter suc­cessful­ly crea­ting an ac­count, sel­ect the sa­ve icon at the bot­tom right of the screen.

If you have cloud ac­cess cre­den­ti­als and you are log­ged in, a cloud icon will ap­pear at the top left in the ave me­nu

If you click on the cloud, you switch from lo­cal sto­rage, to the cloud sto­rage

All plan­ning sa­ved he­re can be used across plat­forms and de­vices.

To sa­ve your de­signs, click on the disk icon in the plan­ning win­dow at the bot­tom right of the screen. In the sa­ve me­nu pro­vi­de the file wi­th a na­me fi­nal­ly sa­ve it wi­th the but­ton "Sa­ve As".

It is curr­ent­ly not pos­si­ble to print de­signs in Palette Home from mo­bi­le de­vices.

Prin­ting in the web / brow­ser ver­si­on is on­ly ac­ti­va­ted in paid ver­si­ons.

You can in­crease the num­ber of sa­ve slots in the An­droid and iOS app. De­pen­ding on which sub­scrip­ti­on you choo­se, you can un­lock 15 or 50 sa­ve slots. The­re is al­so a sub­scrip­ti­on to purcha­se sto­rage space and ac­cess to our Palette Cloud. Your de­signs are stored se­cu­re­ly in our Cloud and can be ac­ces­sed across dif­fe­rent mo­bi­le de­vices and across ope­ra­ting sys­tems.


Wi­th the brow­ser ver­si­on, the brow­ser ma­na­ges the sa­ved files its­elf. Your files can be de­le­ted, if the brow­ser cle­ans up old files or you ma­nu­al­ly clear the brow­ser cache. If you have ac­ti­va­ted in­creased se­cu­ri­ty set­tings in the brow­ser, which cau­se the brow­ser to clear the cache when you exit the pro­gram, it is pos­si­ble that your sa­ve files will be de­le­ted.

We al­so pro­vi­de Palette Home as a free app on the Goog­le Play and iOS App stores. Wi­th the­se ver­si­ons, your files are ma­na­ged by the app and are on­ly lost if the app is un­in­stal­led, or the app is re­set to the de­fault fac­to­ry set­tings.

You can al­so purcha­se ac­cess to our Palette Cloud wi­thin the apps via an in-app sub­scrip­ti­on. The sa­ved files can then be stored safe­ly in the cloud and ac­ces­sed across dif­fe­rent de­vices and plat­forms.

Wi­th the brow­ser ver­si­on, you should al­so make su­re that you are using the sa­me brow­ser and the sa­me pro­fi­le. Be­cau­se every brow­ser on­ly “sees” the files that have be­en crea­ted wi­th this brow­ser and wi­th the re­spec­ti­ve pro­fi­le.

This can have ma­ny dif­fe­rent re­asons:

On the one hand, it is pos­si­ble that the brow­ser is no lon­ger re­cei­ving en­ough me­mo­ry from the ope­ra­ting sys­tem. This can hap­pen if you have ma­ny brow­ser tabs ope­ned at the sa­me time, espe­ci­al­ly ma­ny tabs wi­th the web plan­ner. Falls Sie vie­le Tabs of­fen ha­ben, dann schlie­ßen Sie ei­ni­ge da­von.

On the other hand, lo­cal­ly cached files may be cor­rupt­ed or out of date.
The brow­ser cache is a kind of in­ter­me­dia­te sto­rage for In­ter­net pa­ges. When you vi­sit a web­site, parts of the web­site (e.g., images, CSS, or Ja­va­Script files) are sa­ved on the user's hard dri­ve.
If you co­me back to the sa­me web­site la­ter, you no lon­ger have to down­load all the parts of the pa­ge again. In­s­tead, the brow­ser can ac­cess the files in the cache and dis­play the pa­ge fas­ter.

To fix this er­ror, try forceful­ly rel­oa­ding the pa­ge. For ex­am­p­le, wi­th ctrl + F5.
If that does not help, you will have to clear the brow­ser cache. The down­si­de to this, is that any exis­ting sa­ve files will al­so be de­le­ted.
You can clear the cache, as fol­lows

Mi­cro­soft Edge:

  • Press the Ctrl + Shift + De­le­te keys
  • Make su­re the check­box Cached images and files is sel­ec­ted and then click the but­ton Clear now.


  • Click on the ... sym­bol in the up­per right cor­ner
  • Sel­ect Set­tings
  • Sel­ect Pri­va­cy, search and ser­vices and then lo­ca­te Clear brow­sing da­ta. Click the but­ton Choo­se what to clear
  • Sel­ect an ap­pro­pria­te time ran­ge and make su­re the check­box Cached images and files is che­cked.
  • Then click the but­ton Clear now

Goog­le Chro­me:

  • Press the Ctrl + Shift + De­le­te keys
  • Sel­ect an ap­pro­pria­te time ran­ge from the cor­re­spon­ding drop-down but­ton.
  • Ac­ti­va­te the check­box Cached images and files and sel­ect the but­ton Clear da­ta.


  • Click on the me­nu sym­bol next to the ad­dress bar (th­ree ho­ri­zon­tal bars)
  • Sel­ect Mo­re tools
  • Then cho­se Clear brow­sing da­ta...
  • Sel­ect an ap­pro­pria­te time ran­ge and make su­re the check­box Cached images and files is ac­ti­va­ted.
  • Click on the but­ton Clear da­ta

Mo­zil­la Fire­fox:

  • Press the Ctrl + Shift + De­le­te keys
  • In the pop-up win­dow sel­ect Cache and then click on OK.


  • Click on the me­nu sym­bol next to the ad­dress bar (th­ree ho­ri­zon­tal bars)
  • Sel­ect Op­ti­ons and then Pri­va­cy & Se­cu­ri­ty and then scroll to Coo­kies and Site Da­ta
  • Click on Clear Da­ta and make su­re the check­box Cached Web Con­tent is sel­ec­ted.
  • Click the but­ton Clear

Ap­ple Sa­fa­ri:

  • Press the Cmd + Alt + E


  • In the Sa­fa­ri me­nu, click Clear Histo­ry ...
  • Sel­ect an ap­pro­pria­te time ran­ge
  • Now sel­ect Clear Histo­ry


The la­ser me­a­su­re­ment func­tion is on­ly available on the An­droid and iOS plat­forms. It must al­so be purcha­sed via an in-app sub­scrip­ti­on.

  • Is the de­vice on our list of sup­port­ed de­vices? If not, we can­not gua­ran­tee that the de­vice is com­pa­ti­ble wi­th our app.
  • Make su­re that Blue­tooth is ac­ti­va­ted in the set­tings of the ope­ra­ting sys­tem. If you need to ac­ti­va­te Blue­tooth via the ope­ra­ting sys­tem, then clo­se and re­start the app.
  • Make su­re that you have al­so bought the re­le­vant sub­scrip­ti­on and that it is ac­ti­ve. If the sub­scrip­ti­on is no lon­ger ac­ti­ve, then the fea­tures ac­ti­va­ted via sub­scrip­ti­on will no lon­ger work eit­her.
  • Check that Blue­tooth is al­so ac­ti­va­ted on the la­ser me­a­su­re­ment de­vice and that the de­vice is al­so swit­ched on.
  • Make su­re that the la­ser me­a­su­ring de­vice is not pai­red wi­th an­o­ther app or wi­th an­o­ther end de­vice. So­me la­ser me­a­su­ring de­vices can on­ly be pai­red wi­th one end de­vice at a time.
  • Does the app have per­mis­si­on to use Blue­tooth? If not, you can find the per­mis­si­on set­tings he­re:

    An­droid: If the app does not have aut­ho­riza­ti­on for Blue­tooth / lo­ca­ti­on, long press the app icon then sel­ect "App in­foApp per­mis­si­ons"

    iOS: If the app does not have aut­ho­riza­ti­on for Blue­tooth, go in­to the iOS set­tings, scroll down to the Palette Home app and sel­ect Blue­tooth"


1. Do you have a va­lid sub­scrip­ti­on?

An­droid: You can find out whe­ther you have the sub­scrip­ti­on in the Play Store app:  “Play Store - My Pro­fi­le - Pay­ments and Sub­scrip­ti­ons”. Af­ter re­instal­ling the app, the sub­scrip­ti­on, if available, should be ac­ti­va­ted im­me­dia­te­ly af­ter laun­ching the app.

iOS: You can find out whe­ther you have the sub­scrip­ti­on in the iOS set­tings:  “Set­tings - My Ap­ple ID - Sub­scrip­ti­ons”. Af­ter re­instal­ling the app, the purcha­se may not be ac­ti­va­ted im­me­dia­te­ly. Wi­thin the app you will find a "Res­to­re purcha­ses" but­ton in the screen for the in-app purcha­ses.

2. Has the sub­scrip­ti­on be­en ac­ti­va­ted in the app?

You can tell whe­ther the sub­scrip­ti­on has be­en ac­ti­va­ted in the app, for ex­am­p­le, by che­cking whe­ther a tu­to­ri­al/help sec­tion is dis­play­ed in the screen for the in-app purcha­ses. This help sec­tion is on­ly dis­play­ed if you have a va­lid in-app sub­scrip­ti­on.

3. The sub­scrip­ti­on is still not ac­ti­va­ted cor­rect­ly?

Plea­se check whe­ther you are log­ged in­to the cor­rect ac­count in the re­spec­ti­ve store (Play Store, App Store).

iOS: You can al­so ve­ri­fy if you have the sub­scrip­ti­on in the iOS set­tings:  “Set­tings - My Ap­ple ID - Me­dia & Purcha­ses - View Ac­count - Sub­s­rip­ti­ons”


You can can­cel your sub­scrip­ti­on at any time:

An­droid: „Goog­le Play Store - My Pro­fi­le set­tings - Pay­ments and sub­scrip­ti­ons - Sub­scrip­ti­ons“

iOS: „Set­tings - My Ap­ple ID - Sub­s­rip­ti­ons“

The sub­scrip­ti­on should work on a ma­xi­mum of 10 de­vices wi­th the sa­me Ap­ple ID.

On iOS, it is pos­si­ble to use a se­pa­ra­te Ap­ple ID for each Ap­ple ser­vice (iCloud, App Store, etc.).

Af­ter log­ging in to a dif­fe­rent Ap­ple ID, the re­fe­rence to the in-app sub­scrip­ti­on in the App Store may be de­le­ted. Plea­se ve­ri­fy that the ID wi­th which the sub­scrip­ti­on was purcha­sed is the one you use to log in on the de­vice and in the App Store.

You can ve­ri­fy this on the start pa­ge of the app store, in your app store pro­fi­le set­tings.

Al­so you can check if you have the sub­scrip­ti­on in the iOS set­tings: “Set­tings - My Ap­ple ID - Me­dia & Purcha­ses - View Ac­count - Sub­s­rip­ti­ons”

An­droid:  Un­fort­u­na­te­ly, this is curr­ent­ly not pos­si­ble on An­droid.

iOS: „Set­tings - My Ap­ple ID - Sub­s­rip­ti­ons“ and then sel­ect a dif­fe­rent sub­scrip­ti­on.

The­re is a help func­tion in most of the screens. When you click on Help (the but­ton wi­th the ques­ti­on mark), a win­dow ap­pears that ex­plains the re­le­vant func­tions.

You can find a paid vi­deo tu­to­ri­al se­ries he­re:­let­te-aca­de­­let­te-home/

Ho­we­ver, at the mo­ment the vi­de­os are on­ly in Ger­man.

Down­loa­ding or syn­chro­ni­zing sce­nes is on­ly pos­si­ble via the Palette Cloud. Ac­cess to the Palette Cloud can be purcha­sed via „Busi­ness sub­scrip­ti­on” packa­ge.

To do ac­cess the Palette Cloud af­ter suc­cessful­ly crea­ting an ac­count, sel­ect the sa­ve icon at the bot­tom right of the screen.

If you have cloud ac­cess cre­den­ti­als and you are log­ged in, a cloud icon will ap­pear at the top left in the ave me­nu

If you click on the cloud, you switch from lo­cal sto­rage, to the cloud sto­rage

All plan­ning sa­ved he­re can be used across plat­forms and de­vices.